Common Barriers to Upholding Hotel Standards
Cleanliness and appearance are critical to the guest experience at hotels and resorts. From lobbies and eating areas to private rooms and fitness centers, countless areas must meet high standards of cleanliness.
Meeting these expectations can be challenging for multiple reasons, starting with the lack of downtime in the hospitality industry.
Standards must be met at all hours.
Unlike most businesses, which have opening and closing hours, hotels must be ready to welcome guests around the clock. This means always maintaining a professional appearance, whether it is noon or midnight.
Ensuring 24-hour adherence to the hotel brand’s standards requires near-constant monitoring of many spaces, from guest rooms, hallways, and elevators to pools, dining rooms, and other gathering areas. This can only be achieved with a dedicated team and careful coordination to ensure that no space is overlooked.
Over three-quarters of hotels are grappling with staffing shortages.
Maintaining a professional and welcoming appearance throughout a hotel requires a robust team paying close attention to every surface. Unfortunately, the hospitality industry is one of many struggling to hire in recent years, with 76% of hotels reporting staffing shortages and, according to the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA), 50% of hotels reporting housekeeping as their top hiring need.
While some hotels are experimenting with pay increases and perks to attract workers, the staffing shortage persists. Hotels working with smaller cleaning crews may be considering adjustments to their cleaning strategy and priorities, a challenging predicament when customer experience may be impacted by the appearance of a given space.
Hotel cleaning needs may shift on a weekly or daily basis.
With different occupancy rates each night, special events, and other changing circumstances, a hotel’s cleaning needs can differ every day—and each hotel is different. Banquet halls, pools, food service, specialty suites, and other amenities may require specialized cleaning services and schedules. Coordinating those needs with the daily cleaning of guest rooms, lobbies, and other common areas can be a balancing act, one that may change often.
Hotels must also balance front of house (FOH) and back of house (BOH) cleaning, which may require different skillsets and schedules. FOH cleaning may be more meticulous, since FOH areas are visible to the public. But BOH cleaning may cover commercial kitchens, laundry facilities, and other spaces that must meet specific safety and brand standards.
The solution: Reaching out to an experienced commercial cleaning company.
Maintaining a professional appearance and balancing ever-changing cleaning needs with a diminished team can feel like a Herculean task. An excellent solution is to outsource cleaning tasks to a professional commercial cleaning company.
A commercial cleaning company can serve as an extension to your in-house cleaning team by providing support services. These can include day porters, whose role is to maintain high-traffic areas—such as lobbies, restrooms, and gathering spaces—throughout the day by wiping down surfaces, clearing away clutter, and restocking paper products. A commercial cleaning company can also provide specialty services, such as commercial-grade window washing and floor cleaning.
If you want to learn more about commercial cleaning services for your hotel or resort, talk to your local Vanguard Cleaning Systems® area franchise office. Your Vanguard® area franchise representative may connect you with a Vanguard® independent janitorial franchise business with experience cleaning hotels and resorts, which can work with you to develop a custom cleaning plan that aligns with your hotel’s needs and brand standards.
Learn more about commercial cleaning services for hotels and resorts provided by your local Vanguard® janitorial franchise business here, or request a complimentary consultation.
About the Vanguard Cleaning Systems® Brand
Founded in 1984, the Vanguard Cleaning Systems® organization is built upon over 2,500 independently owned and operated franchised commercial cleaning businesses, which are licensed and supported by an Area Franchise network of more than 50 independent regional offices throughout North America. Vanguard® franchised commercial cleaning businesses service over 15,000 businesses, healthcare companies, educational facilities, and non-profit organizations.
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